Buffalo horn handicraft products of small industries Sukabumi managed to penetrate the German market is used as the handle of spectacles Rodenstock brand."buffalo horn has the advantage therefore be used as a handle of spectacles Rodenstock German production," said lead Sukabumi Cecelia Horn Art Maulana in Jakarta, Sunday (17 / 5).The use of raw materials, said Cecelia, after himself together with a small industry in the region exporting buffalo horn head a few years ago.
Apart from Germany, said Cecelia, Brazil is also a country that becomes a buyer buffalo horn products Sukabumi. Just so you know, the last shipment of containers to these countries last year.
"There are still some other countries that request in considerable numbers, among them Australia, Japan, and Korea. However, due to limited production, the request can not be fulfilled, "said Cecelia.
Cecelia asked the government to help the problems faced by small industries to increase production so as to meet market demand abroad.
"Currently, we are only able to produce 2000 pieces by 20 people pengrajian," said Cecelia.
Sukabumi buffalo horn products can be processed into high value products such as comb, rake, pipe tobacco, souvenirs, with prices ranging from Rp 10 thousand to millions of dollars per unit.
Buffalo horn handicraft business, said Cecelia, a legacy for generations of parents, who have been able to increase family income and also absorb jobs
"There are still some other countries that request in considerable numbers, among them Australia, Japan, and Korea. However, due to limited production, the request can not be fulfilled, "said Cecelia.
Cecelia asked the government to help the problems faced by small industries to increase production so as to meet market demand abroad.
"Currently, we are only able to produce 2000 pieces by 20 people pengrajian," said Cecelia.
Sukabumi buffalo horn products can be processed into high value products such as comb, rake, pipe tobacco, souvenirs, with prices ranging from Rp 10 thousand to millions of dollars per unit.
Buffalo horn handicraft business, said Cecelia, a legacy for generations of parents, who have been able to increase family income and also absorb jobs